Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Massive Attack-Unfinshed Sympathy

Massive Attack 
The band:
Their history goes back to the 1983 and the formation of the wild bunch,which are one of the most successful dj to arrive on the uk music scene. They have a range of music styles such as, punk to reggae to R&B. The groups music events suddenly came unmissable for the Bristol club crowed. They got so big that at the peak of their popularity they made crowed's so big that the local live music scene put it to a halt. when the Wild Bunch folded during the 80's two of its popular members 'mushroom' and 'Daddy G' teamed up with local graffiti artist to form Massive Attack in 1987. One of the members split his time with the group and his other project. The groups first single 'daydreaming' appeared in 1990 featuring the vocals of the singer Shara Nelson. Their debut album blue lines was released in 1991, with the single 'unfinished sympathy' reaching the charts and later being voted the 63rd greatest song of all time. 

Blue lines filtered American hip hop through the lens of British club culture. The album balances dark, diva-led club jams along the lines of soul 11 soul with some of the best British rap. 
Their history dates back to 1983 and the formation of The Wild Bunch, one of the earliest and most successful sound system/DJ collectives to arrive on the U.K music scene. Renowned for their seamless integration of a wide range of music styles, from punk to reggae to R&B, the groups parties quickly became can't-miss events for the Bristol Club crowd, and at the peak of their popularity they drew crowds so enormous that the local live music scene essentially ground to a halt. When The Wild Bunch folded during the mi-80's, two of its members Andrew Vowels (Mushroom) and Grant Marshall (Daddy G) teamed with local graffiti artist Robert del Naja (3D) to form Massive Attack in 1987. The choice of "massive" was done to avoid a radio ban as its release coincided with the Gulf War. 

Their history dates back to 1983 and the formation of The Wild Bunch, one of the earliest and most successful sound system/DJ collectives to arrive on the U.K music scene. Renowned for their seamless integration of a wide range of music styles, from punk to reggae to R&B, the groups parties quickly became can't-miss events for the Bristol Club crowd, and at the peak of their popularity they drew crowds so enormous that the local live music scene essentially ground to a halt. When The Wild Bunch folded during the mi-80's, two of its members Andrew Vowels (Mushroom) and Grant Marshall (Daddy G) teamed with local graffiti artist Robert del Naja (3D) to form Massive Attack in 1987. The choice of "massive" was done to avoid a radio ban as its release coincided with the Gulf War. 

Post-punk (originally called new musick) is a broad type of rock music that emerged from the punk movement of the 1970s, in which artists departed from the simplicity and traditionalism of punk rock to adopt a variety of avant-gardesensibilities. Inspired by punk's energy and DIY ethic but determined to break from rock cliches, artists experimented diversely with sources including electronic musicfree jazz, and black dance styles like funkdisco, and dub; novel recording and production techniques; and ideas from art and politics, including critical theorymodernist art and literature

The music video for the hit song 'Unfinished Sympathy' was directed by Baillie Walsh, it is a one continuous shot filmed on West Pico boulevard in Los Angeles, California. it features Shara Nelson walking along a sidewalk, indifferent and oblivious to her surroundings, which include drunks, gangs an bikers.

Baillie Walsh- The video director

Baillie Walsh is a famous music video and film director linked with directing the hit single, Massive Attack. He was able to capture the everyday surroundings in a natural setting by filming the video in just one shot.  

Sunday, 24 September 2017

American Beauty

American Beauty 

One of the camera shots have focused the dinner table with the three of them eating. If you just look at the shot you will just think that is it a normal family having dinner. However, the camera seems to leave this scene of the family at the table on for a long time. As we can see, the mum and dad are sitting as far apart as possible this could represent their relationship as they are never together and as the daughter is in the middle of them this could show that the daughter is the only thing that is keeping them two together.

The lighting of the dinner table is very plain and dull. However the only bit that is lighted up is the daughter. The mum and Lester look like they have been blacked out as you can hardly see them. This could show just like the spacing of the table that the daughter is only keeping them two together.

Leicester: hunched over at the dinner table shows that he is the least important in the family he's nit standing out.
Mum: sitting straight at the dinner table shows her confidence and how important she is.

Mise en scene:
Old fashion house, roses in the middle of the table in front of the daughter, Lester feels like he is dying as he's depressed, he wears dull clothing which could show he is dying out of the picture. Roses are in the middle of the mum and dad which shows a barrier between them.

Slow zome- could show at the start the zooming in to show the start of each character.
Introducing the feelings of the character by zooming into their emotion

The music introduces each character
It starts up slow then builds up then shows down again.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

News Values

    Daily Mail
  The headline of this article states that there is an terrorist attack in Paris. The adjective 'NEW'     could exsite the reader and make them want to read it as "new" draws you in and makes you excited about what the story is about. The news article appeals to all every target audience. This is because, the headline states that there is an terrorist attack in paris therefor Paris is well known as a lot of family's go on holiday there as is a very popular place. So this will instantly attract the audience because of the place of the attack. The language that is used emphasises the damage that happened and it creates effect to the reader. They have used an ellipsis in the headline as it creates affect as it give time for the reader to think about what they have just read. It could also show the importance of the next line such as, "... just days before French elections' this shows that what has happened doesn't just have an affect on the family of the lives that have been lost but it affects the country. The images that have been placed for this article are very dramatic because from the first view of the image you can instantly tell what has happened as it catches your eye. It does this by the bright lights that are coming of the ambulances and the police cars therefore, this creates a negative view towards the article as you instantly know its bad. 

Daily Mail
This article has chosen this story to be on the front page as it attracts readers instantly. Such as the image, headline and story all of these add to the horrific story. The Daily Mail has used this story line as front page to engage the reader. They have done this by the image of the little girl as it portrays an innocent kind girl while on the right is a picture of a teenager who looks extremely happy to see her biggest star. This engage the reader as you are focused on the happy faces of these children but then you see the headline which shows that the girls have lost their life's. The Daily Mail has used a short sentence to emphasise the effect that this attack has has one people. Rather than the lives of the people who died or who where there this article effects the reader as well as by using the short sentence 'young girls at a pop concert with everything to live for'. This short sentence has an effect on the reader as its making you realise what has actually happened because you see the innocent young girls but also you see 'pop concert' in big letters and don't expect what actually happened to be with something that seems so normal. As this story is very powerful as it effects the whole world there is no one sided view to what happened. Such as, the article clearly states that what has happened has happened by cruel people who have ruined peoples and family's life for no valid reason. 

The Guardian This newspaper story is the same as the second one. However it has a lot of differences that draws the reader in, not only on the story but on the use of words. The Guardian has used more powerful and dramatic words to describe the story rather than the daily mail. The images of the Daily Mail newspaper stood out the most however, for the Guardian the headline stands out the most because of its powerful words. They have used the verb 'stolen' to show how dramatic the story actually is. Also, stolen is a very selfish verb therefore it shows that whoever  has taken these innocent girls away has taken them for you reason and the reader knows your not getting them back. The main story from this newspaper has stated that that lives have been stolen by terrorists. The Guardian newspaper has seen to use a very short sentence for the headline which could emphasise how short the girls lives was and who else that lost their lives during the attack. Rather than the Daily Mail which was a short sentence followed by a long one which made the pictures stand out more of the children however, the Guardian use of language draws the reader in instantly.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

A Comparison of Two Newspapers

A comparison of two newspapers (daily mail and the Guardian)  
The Guardian newspaper follows the layout of a broadsheet newspaper. The Guardian covers more news in more depth such as, 'hard news' events. The Guardian is focused more to a educated audience  whereas, the Daily Mail which is a tabloid uses more 'soft news' such as, stores about celebrities.
Broadsheets are printed onto sheets of paper 116.83 x 81.28cm. Although, through out the years they have used broadsheets sizes but just changed their format. Such as, the Independent has become a Tabloid while the Guardian has adopted a new Berliner or compact format. Furthermore, the Tabloid is a lot smaller than the broadsheet as it is half the size with it measuring 58.4 x 40.6cm. The Guardian is a left wing news paper which means that they look to the future and aim to support those who cannot support themselves, are idealist and believe in equality. The left wing believes in taxation to redistribute opportunity and wealth. Tabloids like the Daily Mail show stories such as, gossip and is referred to as a right wing paper. The right wing means that people believe they shouldn't have to pay for someone else education or health service, they believe in freedom to succeed over equality. The Tabloid readers are somethings known as emotional participants whilst Broadsheet newspapers are accredited with information seekers. 

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

The Male Gaze Theory

Male gaze
In this video the main singer Jason Derulo is the only male that appears constantly with a group of women dancing around him at all time. through out the video the main singer tends to look at the audience when he has the women around him. In this video the women are wearing a tight bra and pants or something that is reviling. Also, they are sat in a line leaning on the main singer which shows the audience that women need a man to count on as its like the women are pleading for him. Jason Derulo looks up at the camera when he is surrounded by the women which shows to the audience that he is in control and that the women could be seen as an object rather than a person because there are eight women and one man which shows the power of men. In one of the scenes the women are all sat on the floor in a row and Jason Derulo is standing up in front of them looking down at the women. This could show different sides to women in a negative way as it could show that women are lower down then men as the lead singer is purposely told to look down at the women when they are on the floor.

The relationship with the singer and the audience is that there are two sides to the video as you could either be shocked and uncomfortable or it could quite interest you. The reason that the viewer could be interested by this video is that there are a lot of sexual scenes between the dances and the main singer. Also the setting of this video indicates very sexual images such as, the main scene through out the video the women are dancing in water and getting themselves wet or they are holding a lolly and making sexual references. Therefore, this video puts across very sexual thoughts towards the viewers.

As the video is for all ages, the younger generation such as children could look at this video and feel like thats how women should be seen as the men are more powerful and controlling. However, the children could see the women being confident and showing of there body's therefore think its okay for men to be above women as in the video they seem happy to be exposed all the time. Likewise, the teenagers that are watching this video could look up to the women as they are skinny, pretty and very confident, also they being watched by Jason Derulo all the time so maybe the teenagers will think that there is nothing wrong with men being overpowering as they might want a boy to be the more powerful one instead of equal. However, the older generation would watch this video and be quite disrupted. Even though there are more women then men you would think that women would be seen as the more dominant ones however, from the videos you can tell that one man has more power over five or six women and this is because, of the positions, outfits, makeup and attitude that makes the video seem uncomfortable to watch.

Likewise, at the end of the video Nicki comes on the video. It is very clear that she is confident due to her body language as she is sitting in a one seater chair with a blind fold over her eyes. However, because she is the only female singer in the video such was Jason Derulo you would think that she would have male dancers around her at all times as thats what Derulo has. Furthermore, this is not true, Nicki could be seen in a sexual element to the male audience as she is in a chair wearing little clothing and has a blind fold on which means she cant see whats happening or whats going to happen.
Although, this could be shown in a positive way as it could show that Nicki is strong and doesn't need men all around her. She could represent women as a whole and sending a message that shows women don't need men they can feel confident and powerful on there own.

From a female point of view watching this video depending on how you feel about yourself if the younger generation watched this video they could think and act like its okay for men to have all those women who look like they just do what he tells them to. Also, they could think that its okay for women to be treated in the way that the men is the more powerful one. Also, because Derulo has his attention all on the women it could show the younger generation that for you to get any attention from boys you should dress the way that the dancers dress and do sexual actions which appeals to the male group.

Saturday, 9 September 2017


Stereotypes - summer holiday reading

Gender/ sexuality
We see genders as boys and girls however, we tend to put them in two equal groups. Some people associate boys with the hobby's that can get dirty or rough such as, football or rugby. where as girls some people associate them with dance such as ballet as they would not really class girls as playing sports. Likewise, women only starting competing at the olympics in 1900 therefor the older generation today some would still think that women cant really play sports like men. Instead of the different things that are meant for girls and boys such as makeup and footballs some people associate gender not just young children but women and men. Such as, in the war the women would be expected to stay at home and clean while the men would go and work. However, to this day women are still the ones that stay and home and clean and cook for the family and children as its just the way society has grown up.

The stereotypes in age tend to split into four sections children, teenagers, adults and OAP'S. Such as, children are associated with loudness, over confident and attention seeking this has a negative affect on children as they are not all like this and it will make people not want to be around them or have them. Likewise, teenagers have a negative stereotype such as, lazy, drinkers, smokers, tantrums and lack of enthusiasm. This therefor, puts a negative label on teenagers as at this age this is when teenagers start to drink which could lead them to smoke and take drugs. However, this is not always the case as some teenagers tend to find work at this age and be more independent with their lives as they are going into adults.

Social Class 
Many people believe that there are social classes and that there are typical trades that go with them. Such as, the upper class some people think are well dressed, well spoken and owners of a company. Also the working class such as, factory workers, live in the inner city and little savings. However, now in society we don't really class people according to their social class as most people nowadays work and some might have more money than others and more well spoken but its not from their class it could be from their inheritance and where they grew up.

Disabled people are associated as quite incapable depending on their disability and fully participating in everyday life. Also, most disabled people are looked down on. They are seen as helpless and incapable of doing things on their own. This creates a negative approach of them as they are seen as limited and people believe that they cant achieve very much in life. Such as, it would be hard for them to have a log thats very fast pace as it will be hard for them to do so depending on their disability. However, the sterotype of disability gets proven wrong all the take such as the parra olympics lots of athletes are doing what they love even if they have an disability.  

Different ethnic groups are subject to stereotype. Such as, a Jamaican person would be stereotypically represented as a Rastafarian person who has little worries about life. Also, an English person would stereotypically have a stiff upper lip, enjoy drinking tea and be very patriotic towards the Queen and Country. Also, most people believe that east Asian stereotypes are intelligent, hard working, determined and ruthless however, this is not the case for everyone as most people could have qualities  of different ethnic groups. However, this could come in quite negatively as when you are applying for a job people shouldn't judge on ethnic groups such as an Essex man or an Asian man as they could be equally the same.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Mail Online Teenagers

Mail online teenagers

Drinking before 13 QUADRUPLES the risk of girls having sex early - putting them at risk of STIs and pregnancyThe images that are linked with this article portrays a bad image about teenagers towards the audience. The article states that drinking before the age of 13 quadruples the rich of having sex early. This shows the the audience that teenagers are carless as the picture shows that a young girl is in a bad state with a drink in her hand. This shows that the young girl has had to much to drink therefore, to the audience it shows that as the girl has a drink in her hand that something could happen to her. The headings "drinking' shows a negative image towards teenagers as it shows them not looking after themselves and making very big mistakes at a young age.

Pictured: Russian teenager 'obsessed with Columbine killers' who shot his teacher in the head as his classmates jumped out of a classroom window to escape gunfire and smoke grenades
The following photo shows a teenage boy who is seen to be holding a large gun. we can see as an audience that he has done this to be a danger to others which could make him feel powerful. The article goes on to talk about the teenage boy who shot an innocent teacher and three other pupils. A person reeding this artical would ortomaticly think that teenagers are disruptive and violent as schools are meant to be an relaxed environment however, this is not the case. Also, words used in the head line such as, "shot' would suggest negative views about teenagers.

Teenage dealer, 17, is jailed for a year for selling MDMA to a schoolgirl, 15, who died after taking the drug on a mountain camping trip
In this article the teenager, who was jailed for selling MDMA to a school girl on a camping trip. The students would regularly gather at the mountain in wales however, the court heard some of the underage teenagers used the trip as an excuse to drink and take drugs. This shows the the audience that when teenagers are not in a home environment and as not with parents they do stuff that they are not meant to. This shows to the older generation that all teenagers are like this which puts a negative label on them.

Teenage boy, 17, is found dead in his tent at Reading Festival
As most people know Reading Festival is a popular place to be in the summer with your friends. However, this article shows that people can get out of hand with drugs and drink as it can come dangerous. For the people reading this article it shows that when teenagers are together with no adults they do silly things and act immature and don't take care of themselves. Towards the viewer this could look childish on teenagers as they are shown as out of hand because they are in a group of there own age. The words used in the heading such as 'Dead' show a negative side to the article as 'teenager' is the first world you see you instantly read the rest of the headline as you don't expect someone so young to die. As we find out later in the article the teenager was with his friends therefore, the audience would think that when teenagers are together they cant behave as they cant keep care of themselves or each other.

Surf lifesaver, 13, takes her own life after 'being cyber-bullied and physically abused' as her parents urge other victims to speak out
This image shows a teenage girl of a very young age who got cyber-bullied and abused who took her own life. The headline of this article is very strong with the words 'abused' and 'bullied'. This shows the viewer that teenagers are very immature and horrible as you don't see many adults taking their own life because they have been bullied as adults seem to think for themselves more and not other people than teenagers. This could show that teenagers need more support such as the person being bullied by the girl 'taking her life' shows that the bully that impacted the teenager that she feels she needs to end her life. As the audience reading this it could make them feel uncomfortable about the way some teenagers behave around each other as they act in violence and 'abuse'  however, alduts tend to carry on or just have a chat with one another about it. The article states that the girl was being 'filmed' while she was being bullied. This could portray an class towards teenagers as without thinking about helping the girl they film her instead which shows a negative and childish view towards teenagers.

Dj photoshoot

   For this photo i used the key light and also used the fill light. This therefore, created a dark shadow behind him, whic...