American Beauty
One of the camera shots have focused the dinner table with the three of them eating. If you just look at the shot you will just think that is it a normal family having dinner. However, the camera seems to leave this scene of the family at the table on for a long time. As we can see, the mum and dad are sitting as far apart as possible this could represent their relationship as they are never together and as the daughter is in the middle of them this could show that the daughter is the only thing that is keeping them two together.
The lighting of the dinner table is very plain and dull. However the only bit that is lighted up is the daughter. The mum and Lester look like they have been blacked out as you can hardly see them. This could show just like the spacing of the table that the daughter is only keeping them two together.
The lighting of the dinner table is very plain and dull. However the only bit that is lighted up is the daughter. The mum and Lester look like they have been blacked out as you can hardly see them. This could show just like the spacing of the table that the daughter is only keeping them two together.

Leicester: hunched over at the dinner table shows that he is the least important in the family he's nit standing out.
Mum: sitting straight at the dinner table shows her confidence and how important she is.
Mise en scene:
Old fashion house, roses in the middle of the table in front of the daughter, Lester feels like he is dying as he's depressed, he wears dull clothing which could show he is dying out of the picture. Roses are in the middle of the mum and dad which shows a barrier between them.
Slow zome- could show at the start the zooming in to show the start of each character.
Introducing the feelings of the character by zooming into their emotion
The music introduces each character
It starts up slow then builds up then shows down again.
Decent notes. You really needed to analyse the scene though.