Saturday, 9 September 2017


Stereotypes - summer holiday reading

Gender/ sexuality
We see genders as boys and girls however, we tend to put them in two equal groups. Some people associate boys with the hobby's that can get dirty or rough such as, football or rugby. where as girls some people associate them with dance such as ballet as they would not really class girls as playing sports. Likewise, women only starting competing at the olympics in 1900 therefor the older generation today some would still think that women cant really play sports like men. Instead of the different things that are meant for girls and boys such as makeup and footballs some people associate gender not just young children but women and men. Such as, in the war the women would be expected to stay at home and clean while the men would go and work. However, to this day women are still the ones that stay and home and clean and cook for the family and children as its just the way society has grown up.

The stereotypes in age tend to split into four sections children, teenagers, adults and OAP'S. Such as, children are associated with loudness, over confident and attention seeking this has a negative affect on children as they are not all like this and it will make people not want to be around them or have them. Likewise, teenagers have a negative stereotype such as, lazy, drinkers, smokers, tantrums and lack of enthusiasm. This therefor, puts a negative label on teenagers as at this age this is when teenagers start to drink which could lead them to smoke and take drugs. However, this is not always the case as some teenagers tend to find work at this age and be more independent with their lives as they are going into adults.

Social Class 
Many people believe that there are social classes and that there are typical trades that go with them. Such as, the upper class some people think are well dressed, well spoken and owners of a company. Also the working class such as, factory workers, live in the inner city and little savings. However, now in society we don't really class people according to their social class as most people nowadays work and some might have more money than others and more well spoken but its not from their class it could be from their inheritance and where they grew up.

Disabled people are associated as quite incapable depending on their disability and fully participating in everyday life. Also, most disabled people are looked down on. They are seen as helpless and incapable of doing things on their own. This creates a negative approach of them as they are seen as limited and people believe that they cant achieve very much in life. Such as, it would be hard for them to have a log thats very fast pace as it will be hard for them to do so depending on their disability. However, the sterotype of disability gets proven wrong all the take such as the parra olympics lots of athletes are doing what they love even if they have an disability.  

Different ethnic groups are subject to stereotype. Such as, a Jamaican person would be stereotypically represented as a Rastafarian person who has little worries about life. Also, an English person would stereotypically have a stiff upper lip, enjoy drinking tea and be very patriotic towards the Queen and Country. Also, most people believe that east Asian stereotypes are intelligent, hard working, determined and ruthless however, this is not the case for everyone as most people could have qualities  of different ethnic groups. However, this could come in quite negatively as when you are applying for a job people shouldn't judge on ethnic groups such as an Essex man or an Asian man as they could be equally the same.

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