Tuesday 19 September 2017

News Values

    Daily Mail
  The headline of this article states that there is an terrorist attack in Paris. The adjective 'NEW'     could exsite the reader and make them want to read it as "new" draws you in and makes you excited about what the story is about. The news article appeals to all every target audience. This is because, the headline states that there is an terrorist attack in paris therefor Paris is well known as a lot of family's go on holiday there as is a very popular place. So this will instantly attract the audience because of the place of the attack. The language that is used emphasises the damage that happened and it creates effect to the reader. They have used an ellipsis in the headline as it creates affect as it give time for the reader to think about what they have just read. It could also show the importance of the next line such as, "... just days before French elections' this shows that what has happened doesn't just have an affect on the family of the lives that have been lost but it affects the country. The images that have been placed for this article are very dramatic because from the first view of the image you can instantly tell what has happened as it catches your eye. It does this by the bright lights that are coming of the ambulances and the police cars therefore, this creates a negative view towards the article as you instantly know its bad. 

Daily Mail
This article has chosen this story to be on the front page as it attracts readers instantly. Such as the image, headline and story all of these add to the horrific story. The Daily Mail has used this story line as front page to engage the reader. They have done this by the image of the little girl as it portrays an innocent kind girl while on the right is a picture of a teenager who looks extremely happy to see her biggest star. This engage the reader as you are focused on the happy faces of these children but then you see the headline which shows that the girls have lost their life's. The Daily Mail has used a short sentence to emphasise the effect that this attack has has one people. Rather than the lives of the people who died or who where there this article effects the reader as well as by using the short sentence 'young girls at a pop concert with everything to live for'. This short sentence has an effect on the reader as its making you realise what has actually happened because you see the innocent young girls but also you see 'pop concert' in big letters and don't expect what actually happened to be with something that seems so normal. As this story is very powerful as it effects the whole world there is no one sided view to what happened. Such as, the article clearly states that what has happened has happened by cruel people who have ruined peoples and family's life for no valid reason. 

The Guardian This newspaper story is the same as the second one. However it has a lot of differences that draws the reader in, not only on the story but on the use of words. The Guardian has used more powerful and dramatic words to describe the story rather than the daily mail. The images of the Daily Mail newspaper stood out the most however, for the Guardian the headline stands out the most because of its powerful words. They have used the verb 'stolen' to show how dramatic the story actually is. Also, stolen is a very selfish verb therefore it shows that whoever  has taken these innocent girls away has taken them for you reason and the reader knows your not getting them back. The main story from this newspaper has stated that that lives have been stolen by terrorists. The Guardian newspaper has seen to use a very short sentence for the headline which could emphasise how short the girls lives was and who else that lost their lives during the attack. Rather than the Daily Mail which was a short sentence followed by a long one which made the pictures stand out more of the children however, the Guardian use of language draws the reader in instantly.

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