1: more punny
2: more informal
2: less personal
Differences- The Guardian
1: more formal (detail)
2: more persuasive
1: small masthead
2: column style- text based (no images)
3: persuasive tone
4: based on current affairs
5:different comment articles
Both newspapers have used an authoritative and persuasive tone to show that they feel strongly about their opinions. However, the Daily Mail uses more word play amongst their opinions. It is noticeable that The Guardian has a higher level of vocabulary compared to the Daily Mail, including figures of speech such as metaphors, lists of three and emotive language.Using the theory of Uses and Gratification we can see The Guardian and The Daily Mail fulfil the four forms of media. These include identity, education, entertainment and social interaction. Uses and Gratification begins with identity, this is being able to recognise the product or person in front of you, role models that reflect similar values to you, aspirations to be someone else. This then leads onto education. This when we are able to acquire information, knowledge and understanding of a newspaper, something The Guardian and The Daily Mail do very well. This again then follows through to social interaction this is because the media has the ability to produce a topic on conversation between other people, and sometimes even sparks debates. Because of social interaction people gain a sense of 'escapism', also known as entertainment. this is when what we are consuming should give you enjoyment and also some form of 'escapism' enabling us to forget about our worries temporarily.